Diary of a Dreamcatcher

Diary of a Dreamcatcher offers a fresh look into the rich history and symbolism of the Ojibwe Nation’s dreamcatcher talisman. Drawing from her cultural roots Lori Ann Grace reawakens her ancestor’s dream to reweave the dreamcatcher net into a new hope for addressing post-modernistic apathy, misinformation, and spiritual disbelief – with a distinct metaphysical narrative. The Ojibwe dreamcatcher talisman is finally untangled from its discounted thread in the fabric of Euro-American commercialism to reclaim its oracle and mysticism. A must read for anyone who appreciates dreamcatchers and values the ethos of the Ojibwe People. Now on sale at Barnes & Noble in paperback and Nook book.

Email dreamcatchertalisman@gmail.com to receive a signed copy from the author.

Lori Ann Grace belongs to the White Earth Reservation in northwest Minnesota. Her maternal side is Ojibwe with a family tree that is documented as far back as the 1700’s. Lori Ann is a descendant of Chief Hole-in-the-Day (1825-1868).

Formally trained and innately gifted in numerous metaphysical healing arts, she incorporates the dreamcatcher talisman as a template to counsel and guide people through a modern Oracle of dream-catching. Lori Ann Grace is a Psychic Intuitive Reader currently residing in Sedona Arizona.

“In a world where traditions, especially Native traditions, are seldom honored and often misunderstood, Diary of a Dreamcatcher is a clarion call to remember how the magical weaving of spiritual inspiration can enhance our everyday living. Lori Ann’s sensitive exploration of her people’s history allows us to feel the essence of what a dreamcatcher was and reminds us of what it still can be. Altogether fascinating and thought provoking. A must read!”
~ Samarah Grace, Author of Will You Be With Me, Mother Mary’s Extraordinary Invitation

Diary of a Dreamcatcher recaptures the original wisdoms and blessings of the dreamcatcher. The elegant power of Lori Ann’s words reveals her own lived experiences, research, and quests for hearing the stories of her people and the voices of Spirit refraining through the talisman of the dreamcatcher. She reawakens the gift and guidance imbued through the dreamcatcher, momentums of Truth not to be forgotten in this world again.” ~ Daniel Ansara Page, Spiritual Ecologist, Soul Centered Astrologist, and Co-Author of The Light Beyond the Words